Many ask me what do I do when I come and speak at a church? Well, there are three things I do. One is to lecture for one hour and help those in attendance get a grasp on using natural health to improve one's health and to motivate and inspire you that healing is for everyone. Secondly, I hold a Question & Answer session so everyone can get their questions answered. Many of the questions asked usually help others in attendance. I get asked about cardiovascular issues such as high blood pressure, cholesterol, congestive heart failure and so on. I do cover brain health such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's, MS and other nerve issues. Of course I always get questions on diet, diabetes, lung and immune issues too. I don't stop until all the questions are answered. Thirdly, after the Q&A, I take time with those who need special attention. I'm in attendance for the main reason to personally reach out to pray and help those who are struggling to obtain healing in their body. Some issues people come to me and want to talk me about are cancer, severe fatigue, Fibromyalgia and other issues they have been struggling for a long time. Healing is available to everyone. The Lord never withholds healing. I declare and proclaim that 2013 is the year for your healing and again, I'm here to help you and that means coming to where you are to help you and your congregation or community. Comments are closed.
May 2022