by Ward W. Bond, PhD
Millions of Americans are tossing and turning in their beds staring at the ceiling or the alarm clock. Many of them are taking mind altering over-the-counter sleep aids that are now being linked to a possible risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Let’s look at some healthy tips to improve your sleep and wake up refreshed. The Don’ts
Over-the-counter Sleep Meds We’ve all used these sleep aids and many people are using Benadryl, Nyquil or AdvilPM as sleep aids and this is a big no-no! These are used for medicinal purposes and if you are not sick or in pain, these are not to be used for general sleep. Natural Sleep Remedies You’ll Love! Borage Oil
Q: With the shocking deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain in the news recently, both linked to a possible history of depression are there ways we can improve our mental state?
A: There are many types of depression.
Q: Dr. Bond, you being a holistic expert. You get a lot of people actually asking you about their medications while they seek a natural way to health. What kind of medications do you see that could lead to suicidal thoughts and tendencies? A:
A: Definitely has an impact on depression. If the depression goes to deep then there’s definitely a risk of suicide. Q: What foods does one need to avoid if they have depression and/or avoid if we are sad? A: Sad Foods
Happy Foods
May 2022