Let's be honest. We all know someone with cancer. Some have beat it and others have succumb to it. This article isn't about the lack of medical care we all know exists when it comes to fighting this dreaded disease. Cancer therapy has not progressed any further than it has in the last 40 years. Cancer rates are not declining as the experts want you to believe, but they are actually increasing. When someone gets the negative report, the person has a choice to either face it head on or give up on the spot. The mental aspect of dealing with the thought of fighting cancer is scary and daunting to say the least. I've met people on both sides. Some give the fight all they got and others simply quietly give up and only appear to fight to bring peace to those around them who are just as scared and fearful. What can I say? My own father died of the complications of cancer. He actually died from the treatment and the malpractice of doctors and nurses who couldn't do the simplest things right, such as keeping his chemo port clean. He actually died of sepsis. Moving on. Fighting cancer is a three part battle. One is in the mind, the second is in the body and the third is spiritual. All three must be addressed to effectively fight the good fight. The Mind. The moment one gets the news, the mind is the first part of the body to start processing information. What is the immediate thought? Will I live or will I die? What is the treatment going to do? Will I be able to handle this? What will it cost? Will insurance cover me? How will I continue to support my family, etc and etc. This is where one must immediately hold every negative thought captive and keep a positive attitude and a peace that passes all understanding. Look, I know it's not easy. If you need encouragement, then just watch my TV interview (above) with Dodie Osteen (Joel's mother) who beat terminal liver cancer 31 years ago. She explains very candidly how the mind will start thinking about the end, when you are still believing for a positive outcome. It's worth every minute to watch this interview. The Body. On my television show, Think Natural, I constantly tell people to eat right and to eat natural. Everything you put in your mouth will either help you or hurt you. Give your body a fighting chance and eat what God created and avoid all the man-made junk. Eat organic to keep the chemicals from your body. I'm not here to tell what treatment to use as each type of cancer uses a different approach. Ask you doctor or seek your own treatment that is best for your type of cancer. Exercise! Exercise will help strengthen the body and improve immune response. Also, know that you need rest too. Don't over do either. Your Faith. Honestly, you can't fight cancer with no belief system. You all know I'm a Christian and I don't hide that fact. I know who I believe in and when times are good or bad, I look to the One who created me and died for me. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. You have to walk by faith and not sight and fighting cancer fits this category. There are times of pain, sickness, doubt, unbelief and there are victories. There can be ups and downs, but never ever give up. One has to believe that miracles happen. Also, God didn't give you cancer. He isn't trying to teach you a lesson. God doesn't do that to people. Need healing? All He has asked you to do is believe and He'll take care of the rest. Psalm 118:17 says, "I shall not die, but I shall live and declare the miraculous works of the Lord." Your were made to testify. How does one end up with a testimony? With a test in one's life that's how. Sounds unfair, but go back to the part of this article on the mind and stay positive. If you are dealing with cancer, you can beat it. Keep that mentality. If someone who know is fighting cancer, be as positive and supportive as you can. You standing by them will help them more than you'll ever know. - Ward W. Bond, Ph.D. Comments are closed.
May 2022