Ward W. Bond, PhDAuthor of this article. Weekly On-Air Host of Life Changing Welllness on 1590AM WCGO Chicago & the daily television program,The Dr. Ward Bond Show. Nails can be very useful in diagnosing illness and evaluating health. Here are some nail signs and the problems possibly causing them. These are only possibilities, and these are not all inclusive. Some people have never had moons on their nails, but you should check for a problem when you have had them and they have disappeared.
Nail Colors
Ward W. Bond, PhDAuthor of this article. Weekly On-Air Host of Life Changing Welllness on 1590AM WCGO Chicago & the daily television program,The Dr. Ward Bond Show. Here are some of the differences between dopamine and serotonin deficiency, and the differences how one feels between the two.
Depression can be caused by a lack of the neurotranmitter serotonin in the brain. This is the most common form treated, but one must realize that doctors never test for low dopamine levels and always presume that it’s caused by low serotonin levels. This is the reason so many people are taking SSRIs such as Prozac or Zoloft. The other reason for depression caused by a chemical imbalance is it’s caused by a lack of the dopamine in the brain. The type of depressive-feeling caused by a lack of dopamine in the brain is a very low energy depression, with a complete lack of motivation, (and feeling depressed). You may feel frustrated that you don't have any energy. How many of you deal with depression and taking medication, but still lack motivation? I bet most of you all answered yes to the question. If so, why are doctors prescribing anti-depressants that only treat a serotonin problem? When people have low dopamine or low serotonin levels, there are few simple signs to be aware of to help you diagnose the problem. If you are low serotonin, you would be craving carbs, dairy or even bananas. If you are low dopamine, then you tend to reach for stimulating foods such as coffee or chocolate. These only increase dopamine short term and should not be the go-to foods as then you will really get fatigued from stressing your adrenal glands. If your problem is not with serotonin, but only a lack of dopamine, then you probably won't feel much anxiety. You probably also won't have trouble sleeping, but you will have trouble getting going in the morning. Note: if you over-increase your dopamine so that it's too high, you'll feel angry at things that wouldn't normally make you feel angry. The type of depressive-feeling caused by a lack of serotonin in the brain is not really a lack of energy (you won't be high energy, just middle of the road), but rather an empty feeling that there isn't any comfort in the world that is possible for you and you would have feelings of fear. If it is only serotonin that is your insufficiency, and not dopamine, then you probably WILL have trouble sleeping. On my TV show, The Dr. Ward Bond Show, I teach a lot about being motivated and full of energy. But so many people aren't motivated anymore and their energy levels are diminishing. With the poor choices voters made to fill the White House to the economy to the wars and rumors of wars, it’s no wonder people live in fear and get caught in a rut with worrying which zaps motivation and energy. We don’t need the ‘what’s the use’ mentality. We need something to get us going again. So stop watching the news! Now, let’s talk nutrition. To increase dopamine levels naturally, an herb called Mucuna Pruriens is the best choice. The herb naturally contains L-dopa which the body will convert into dopamine in the brain and yes, it works very quickly. I prefer the brand of Mucuna by HerbalUltra.com which offers the highest grade of Mucuna on the market. One capsules a day is usually a great starting dose and for some, one capsule in the morning and one in the afternoon will help you. Food sources of dopamine increasing tyrosine include almonds, avocados, bananas, dairy products, lima beans, pumpkin seeds, and sesame seeds. Dopamine is easily oxidized. Foods that are rich in antioxidants such as fruits and vegetables may help protect dopamine-using neurons from free radical damage. Many healthcare professionals recommend supplementing with vitamins C, vitamin E, and other antioxidants. Foods such as sugar, saturated fats, cholesterol, and refined foods interfere with proper brain function and can cause low dopamine. Consumption of saturated fats and cholesterol should also be reduced because they can clog the arteries to the brain, heart, and other organs. Caffeine must also be avoided by persons with depression. Caffeine is a stimulant which initially speeds up neurotransmission, raises the amount of serotonin, and temporarily elevates mood. Why is dopamine so important? Dopamine is often called "the happy neurotransmitter" because when we have plenty of dopamine we have :
When we have Dopamine Deficiencies . . .
It has a stimulating effect on the heart, the circulation, the rate of metabolism, and is able to mobilize many of the body's energy reserves. It helps to modulate brain activity, control coordination and movement, and regulate the flow of information to different areas of the brain. A massive disturbances of dopamine regulation in the brain can result in a person no longer being able to respond emotionally or express his or her feelings in an appropriate way. Always speak with a health professional about your depression. Depression isn't always a chemical imbalance in the brain. It can be caused by other factors such as life experiences, unforgiveness, bitterness, diet (too much sugar) and poor gut health (where your brain neurotransmitters are made). Ward W. Bond, Ph.D. Ward W. Bond, PhDHas a doctorate in Nutrition and a background in herbal medicine. He is also On-Air Radio Personality on 1590AM WCGO in Chicago starting January 4, 2019. hey men, are you feeling less of a man with low energy levels, loss of motivation, brain fog with the inability to make decisions, less physical strength, weight gain around the middle, higher cholesterol levels, cravings for sugar, and of course a loss of sexual desire and sexual function? Ladies, are you losing that loving feeling or energy when exercising?
Those are the signs of low testosterone levels. Many of you are asking me for help to help you improve your testosterone levels naturally. I've seen every herb that claims to improve testosterone naturally and many of them fail in doing so, but one works very well and I take it myself for general health and to keep feeling stronger and younger! The herb is called Long Jack or Tongkat Ali or simply known as LJ100. It really works, and I even take it at bedtime as the anti-aging effect of regeneration is very important while we sleep. LJ100® is the highest quality standardized Tongkat Ali extract. It is scientifically prepared for improving energy, physical endurance, sexual performance, and increasing stamina. This product has been patented by M.I.T. and the Government of Malaysia. LJ100® has shown in human clinical trials - an ability to increase DHEA, increase free testosterone, and decrease Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). LJ100® also increase cGMP and cAMP. The bioactive Eurypeptides significantly boost sex drive and function, in both men and women, by increasing testosterone and inhibiting Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), so that freer testosterone remains in the blood. An ability to increase DHEA, increase free testosterone, and decrease Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG). LJ100® also increase cGMP and cAMP. The bioactive Eurypeptides significantly boost sex drive and function, in both men and women, by increasing testosterone and inhibiting Sex Hormone Binding Globulin (SHBG), so that freer testosterone remains in the blood. This Testosterone Supplement additionally stems the aging process, improves energy and sexual function, and helps to reduce risk factors associated with hypertension and cardiovascular disease. HEALTH BENEFITS OF LJ100® • Helps Boost Sexual Desire & Performance • Sexual desire and successful intercourse increased for 62% of the participants, according to the Sexual Health Inventory Questionnaire - • As for PADAM scores (Partial Androgen Deficiency Among Aging Men), 91% of the volunteers saw improvement in the quality of their sex lives • DHEA levels increased 47% • SHBG levels dropped by 66% • Free testosterone soared by a 73% Look at HerbalUltra.com for the highest quality of LJ100. Ward W. BondDoctorate in Nutrition and an extensive background in herbal medicine. Have you noticed when you listen, read or view the news today how many instances of tainted food is finding its way on the market? We hear about recall after recall. Ever notice that the recalls have to do with produce and not processed food?
How’s the function of your immune system at the moment? Do you feel you are protected enough that if you were to eat a particular food or come in contact with a bacteria, virus or fungus that your immune system will be up to the task to prevent you from getting sick? The only time of year we used to worry about was winter time, the season for colds and flu. Now, that season is twelve months a year and cold medicine is flying off the shelves daily. This is not the way it should be! I am asked all the time, “What can I do to keep my immune system strong?”. My answer is four things. Yes, you can take Vitamin C, but we have to go beyond that today. I prefer to use Colostrum, Thymus Extracts, Monolaurin and Probiotics. All of these help to strengthen the immune system and provide a barrier to keep us from getting sick. Colostrum is supposed to be our first food when we’re born. It is the food before breast milk and is only produced for 72 hours. So you’re thinking, I’m older and I can’t just go suck on my momma’s breast and get it. Colostrum is available in a supplement form to help you receive the immune factors you need. I take it daily and there are two reasons why I love colostrum. One, it helps to keep your small intestines healthy to provide a healthy barrier to separate the good from the bad. Many have a condition called Leaky Gut Syndrome, which simply means you lack the thin, opaque protective barrier lining that coats your small intestine. Without it, you are open to autoimmune diseases like Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Fibromyalgia and others. Secondly, Colostrum strengthens the thymus gland, the heart of your immune system so to speak. Having healthy T-cells and B-cells will give you the power you need to have a strong healthy immune system. I mentioned Thymus extracts. I take Colostrum and Thymus extracts together because as we age, the thymus gland shrinks and lowers the strength of our immune system. The elderly get sick quicker and have a harder time fighting off illness because their thymus glands are small. Taking Colostrum and a Thymus extract will help to add weight and keep the thymus gland strong and healthy. Personally, I haven’t had the flu in over 18 years and never take a flu shot. I owe it to Colostrum and Thymus extracts to keep me healthy. Monolaurin is a nutrient derived from coconut and is a powerful antiviral, antibacterial, anti-fungal compound which also helps to enhance the function of the immune system. This one is something that everyone needs to add to their nutritional medicine cabinet due to all the of problems we are seeing on our food supply and who knows maybe protect us from antibiotic-resistant superbugs. Monolaurin breaks down the protective protein coating around bacteria, viruses and fungi. This allows the immune system to effectively remove the offending particles and ward off what could have been a serious problem. Monolaurin is great for colds, flu, sinus, allergies, Lyme Disease, MRSA and others. Seriously, don’t ignore this important compound. Monolaurin has the same lauric acid property as mother’s breast milk so it has to be good! So remember, Colostrum, Thymus extracts and Monolaurin are the three steps to a healthier immune system. Last, but not not least is taking a daily probiotic. Your gut health determines the strength of your whole body, especially your immune system. Probiotics give you the healthy bacteria you need to digest food, convert it into B vitamins, and protect against a variety of age-related diseases. If you take antibiotics, birth control pills and eat a poor diet, your gut health is poor. Probiotics is considered the first line of defense as our gut is one large section of our immune system. Give all of these a try and you’ll be healthier than ever. by Ward W. Bond, PhD
Millions of Americans are tossing and turning in their beds staring at the ceiling or the alarm clock. Many of them are taking mind altering over-the-counter sleep aids that are now being linked to a possible risk for Alzheimer’s disease. Let’s look at some healthy tips to improve your sleep and wake up refreshed. The Don’ts
Over-the-counter Sleep Meds We’ve all used these sleep aids and many people are using Benadryl, Nyquil or AdvilPM as sleep aids and this is a big no-no! These are used for medicinal purposes and if you are not sick or in pain, these are not to be used for general sleep. Natural Sleep Remedies You’ll Love! Borage Oil
Q: With the shocking deaths of Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain in the news recently, both linked to a possible history of depression are there ways we can improve our mental state?
A: There are many types of depression.
Q: Dr. Bond, you being a holistic expert. You get a lot of people actually asking you about their medications while they seek a natural way to health. What kind of medications do you see that could lead to suicidal thoughts and tendencies? A:
A: Definitely has an impact on depression. If the depression goes to deep then there’s definitely a risk of suicide. Q: What foods does one need to avoid if they have depression and/or avoid if we are sad? A: Sad Foods
Happy Foods
Author: Jenny Ivy Cocoa butter, also known as theobroma oil, is a natural (and edible) fat extracted from cocoa beans. Because of its silky texture, mild cocoa fragrance, hydrating benefits and emollient properties, cocoa butter is used to make chocolate, as well as ointments, pharmaceuticals, toiletries and food products. Cocoa beans are rich in antioxidants, and some of these antioxidants remain in cocoa butter even after it is extracted. Cocoa butter offers several health benefits for skin and hair. Here are 10 ways you can boost beauty naturally with this super ingredient. Help repair skin at night Cocoa butter is rich in vitamin K and fatty acids. Applying it at night can help your skin repair itself. It’s not ideal, however, for people with acne or oily skin, but it may help repair skin that is dull, mature, dry or flaky or scarred skin. Heal chapped lips Cocoa butter is often used for lip care because it adds a protective layer of hydration. To make a homemade lip balm using cocoa butter, check out this recipe from blogger Tanya at Lovely Greens: Ingredients:
1: In a saucepan or double boiler over gently simmering water, combine beeswax, cocoa butter and almond oil. Stir gently until melted. 2: Add essential oil (if using) and vitamin E oil. Remove from heat and pour into tubes or pots. 3: Set aside until cool and hardened. Apply labels and store away from heat. Reduce stretch marks Apply cocoa butter to a pregnant belly or other stretched skin to reduce the look of stretch marks over time. After a bath or shower, rub cocoa butter liberally over stretched skin every day. Soothe burns and eczema Rub a small amount of cocoa butter on eczema, dermatitis, rashes and burned skin to soothe it and expedite healing. For this application, use pure cocoa butter that doesn't contain any alcohol or fragrances. Also, use cocoa butter together with aloe vera gel or tea tree oil to help heal burned or irritated skin. Make your own shaving cream Shave your legs and hydrate your skin at the same time with DIY shaving cream made cocoa butter. Try this refreshing shaving cream recipe from Wellness Mama: Ingredients:
Condition hair Rub a dime-size amount of cocoa butter into dry hair before styling to help reduce frizz. Cocoa butter also makes a great pre-shower conditioning treatment if you melt it and apply quickly (make sure not to leave it in hair longer than 20 minutes before rinsing out as it will solidify). Make your own bath oil Cocoa butter melts easily in hot water, making it a luxurious addition to your bath. Try this simple recipe for a cocoa butter drizzle, from bathaddicts.com, by pouring directly into hot bath water or over top of a fizzing bath bomb: Ingredients:
1. In a saucepan or double boiler over gently simmering water, melt oil. Stir gently. 2: Stir in baking soda, mica and polysorbate 80 (if using). 3. Transfer to jar or container and store at room temperature. 4. To use, drizzle a small amount into hot bath water or pour over a fizzy bath both. Makes enough for 15 baths. * Prevents color from sticking to your tub Boost collagen Cocoa butter can boost your body's collagen retention for healthier, more elastic skin. Make a topical lotion by combining ½ cup cocoa butter, ½ cup of shea butter, ½ cup coconut oil and ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil. If desired, stir in a few drops of essential oil. Store at room temperature in a mason jar and apply topically to keep skin supple and hydrated. Soothe tired feet Pamper your hard-working feet and toes by soaking them in a tub or bowl of warm water infused with cocoa butter. Stir 2 tablespoons cocoa butter into hot water and let cool slightly until you can soak feet comfortably. Make an all-natural body butter
Cocoa butter is a perfect ingredient for making buttery blends that are all natural (and edible). Try making this Cocoa-Coconut Love Butter from Making Love Potions by Stephanie L. Tourles (Storey Publishing, 2016). Ingredients:
Combine the coconut oil, almond oil and cocoa butter in a small saucepan or double boiler and warm over low heat until all the solids are just melted. Remove from the heat and let cool for 5 to 10 minutes, stirring a few times to blend. Pour into a 4-ounce jar or tin. Cap and label. It’s best to use it within one year stored at room temperature. It’s slow to thicken, so it may require up to 24 hours to reach its final creamy, buttery texture. Author: Jessica Rubino
It’s not intuitive, but even though awareness about the dangers of sun has increased, so have melanoma rates. Melanoma is the deadliest form of skin cancer and, according to estimates, there will be between 91,270 to 178,560 cases diagnosed in the U.S. this year, which represents a steady increase over the past two decades. But there is a silver lining, according to dermatologist Sonoa Au, MD, who suggests two of the reasons for this rise are greater awareness and broader access to health care. “Although there is an increase in melanomas found, many are found at an earlier, curable stage,” says Au. Indeed, research from the Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai in New York City, which tracked melanoma trends starting in 2009, found that the increase in diagnosis of early-stage melanoma occurred most rapidly (which, as Au pointed out, could be a good thing because you’re catching it early). Even so, melanoma-related deaths rose by about 1.5 percent annually, the same research showed. The takeaway: Both regular checkups and consistent sun-safety measures are more necessary than ever. Check yourself—and get checked Being familiar and in tune with your body is key to maintaining optimal health—and even more critical when it comes to moles and sunspots. “Everyone should do self-checks at least every four to six months,” says dermatologist Hirshel Kahn, MD. He recommends seeing a dermatologist annually for a formal checkup. The rise of melanoma Various interpretations of the data can lead to different conclusions about why we are seeing so many new cases in the U.S. today. But when we track the rise of the disease, it’s clear that despite an increase in knowledge and information, the American lifestyle has left us more susceptible to UV-triggered diseases, such as melanoma. “Starting in the 1920s, the tanned look became more socially attractive; in the 1950s, reflectors were used to speed up the tanning process; in the 1960s, slathering on cocoa butter became a popular way of getting a tan; and in the mid-1970s, tanning beds became popular,” says Hirshel Kahn, MD, a dermatologist based in New York City. Research shows that people who use a tanning bed regularly before age 35 are 75 percent more likely to get melanoma. Ironically, he adds, in our society a tanned look represents “health, relaxation and pleasure,” despite the results being quite the opposite. Today, while experts tout the importance of safe sun care, these decades-long expectations and habits are very much baked into daily routines, making it hard to break free of certain behaviors tied to melanoma. Protect yourself Although the general recommendations are not new, thoughts about the level of diligence required to keep skin truly safe from the sun have evolved (for example, applying sunscreen every single day despite lifestyle or location). Luckily, innovations such as sun-protective clothing and highly effective broad-spectrum mineral sunscreens provide the tools to stave off harmful rays. “Complete-block sunscreens containing zinc oxide or titanium dioxide are now available in more cosmetically elegant vehicles—so they don’t appear as white and opaque,” says Kahn. And although sun may be the worst offender, findings link other unhealthy lifestyle habits to melanoma risk. A study published in Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers & Preventionfound that alcohol intake was associated with higher rates of invasive melanoma among white men and women. White wine, specifically, was the culprit, with the study linking a frequent daily glass with a 13 percent increased risk of melanoma. Other risk factors include smoking and a depleted immune system, emphasizing the importance of living an overall healthy lifestyle—even beyond conscientious sun care—to lessen your risk. Look for mineral-based sun protection with zinc oxide, such as Dermaceuticals Sun Shield Stick SPF 50 Tinted or Babo Botanicals SPF 40 Daily Sheer Sunscreen Extra Sensitive For Face. Did you know we are inundated with hormonal disruptors in our environment every day? Ever wonder why women and now men can’t seem to get a handle on their hormonal health and live a balanced sane life? Many of the hormonal disruptors cause the human body to increase production of certain hormones; decrease production of others; imitate hormones; turn one hormone into another; interfere with hormone signaling; tell cells to die prematurely; compete with essential nutrients; bind to essential hormones and accumulate in organs that produce hormones. Wow! That’s complete hormonal imbalance and it no wonder doctors and hormonal specialists cannot get a handle on treating patients with imbalances effectively.
Let’s take a look at the top hormonal disruptors and how to avoid them. BPA This is the chemical found in plastic water bottles. Drinking from BPA-containing bottles whether they are water bottles or baby bottles (God-forbid!) they will imitate hormones in your body. BPA has been linked to everything from breast and others cancers to reproductive problems, obesity, early puberty and heart disease, and according to government tests. The consensus is 93% of Americans have BPA in their bodies. How to Avoid BPA Avoid cans lined with BPA. Avoid plastics with PC stamped on the bottle or stamped with #7 on them. Buy a water filter and pour it into a stainless steel or glass container for safer drinking water. Dioxin This one is a bad one. Dioxin disrupts how female and male sex hormones signal throughout the body. Dioxin lasts a very long time in the body wrecking havoc and will lower sperm count in males during their reproductive years. Dioxin is a powerful carcinogen, so it causes cancer and most likely linked to hormonal cancers of the breast, uterus, ovaries and prostate. How to Avoid Dioxin Very difficult to avoid and is found meat, fish, eggs and milk, and is very prevalent throughout the American food supply. Maybe going vegan will help reduce one’s contact with this dangerous chemical. Atrazine This herbicide turns male frogs into more feminized frogs. That means male frogs and lay eggs, so what do you think it’s doing to males in America? Anyone want to tackle that subject? Used on most of the corn crops in America and then it seeps into the ground water affecting the rest of the non-corn eating population. But corn is used in many different foods, so read your labels! Atrazine has been linked to breast tumors, delayed puberty and prostate inflammation in animals, and some research has linked it to prostate cancer in people. How to Avoid Atrazine Buy organic food and buy a water filter for your home. Phthalates This chemical is a cell killer. It induces death of our cells, even though millions of cells die in our body every day, we don’t need to help it kill more cells than necessary. So what cells does it target? Well men, it kills your balls, I mean your testicles. Phthalates are linked to hormone changes, lower sperm count, less mobile sperm, birth defects in the male reproductive system, obesity, diabetes and thyroid irregularities. Men, if you are wanting to have children this is one chemical you want to avoid. How to Avoid Phthalates Stop using plastic containers. Don’t wrap your food in plastic that contains #3 on the label. If a product is labelled ‘fragrance’ this avoid it. This is a catch-all term to let you know if contains phthalates. Perchlorate This is a component of rocket fuel. We all need a boost sometimes, but not like this! Found in produce and milk are the most common places. When perchlorate gets into your body it competes with the nutrient iodine, which the thyroid gland needs to make thyroid hormones. Basically, this means that if you ingest too much of it you can end up altering your thyroid hormone balance. Also, it’s very bad for young children as it can alter their endocrine health. How to Avoid Perchlorate To reduce your intake, install a reverse osmosis water filter in your home and office. In your food, it’s almost impossible to avoid it altogether. So going organic and vegan maybe ways to reduce your risk to this chemical. Fire Retardants Swedish scientists discovered in human breast milk and found in to polar bears. This tells you it’s found everywhere! These chemicals can imitate thyroid hormones in our bodies and disrupt their activity. That can lead to lower IQ, among other significant health effects. These types of chemicals are like a nuclear meltdown. The damage is going to last to decades and those born today will be affected for many years to come. You can thank mankind for these chemicals and their total disregard for the safety and health of the human race. How to Avoid Fire Retardants Almost impossible to avoid. Replace all your filters with HEPA filters even down to your vacuum cleaner as your carpets most likely have it in them. Lead Can you believe we are still talking about lead in this day and age? Yep, this exists. Lead harms children and of course all adults. Lead causes neurological damage. including permanent brain damage, lowered IQ, hearing loss, miscarriage, premature birth, increased blood pressure, kidney damage and nervous system problems. But few people realize that one other way that lead may affect your body is by disrupting your hormones. In animals, lead has been found to lower sex hormone levels. Research has also shown that lead can disrupt the hormone signaling that regulates the body’s major stress system (called the HPA axis). How to Avoid Lead Keep your house clean. Remove old paint and buy a water filter. Eat organically, we healthy food with natural minerals like calcium and magnesium can help remove lead from the body. Using cilantro and chlorella are green foods that bind heavy metals and removes them safely from the body. Arsenic Arsenic is found in your food and drinking water. Just like in the movies if you get enough of it, will kill you. In smaller amounts, arsenic can cause skin, bladder and lung cancer. Basically, bad news. Less well known: Arsenic interferes with normal hormone functioning in the glucocorticoid system that regulates how our bodies process sugars and carbohydrates. Well, disrupting the glucocorticoid system has been linked to weight gain/loss, protein wasting, immunosuppression, insulin resistance (which can lead to diabetes), osteoporosis, growth retardation and high blood pressure. How to Avoid Arsenic Simply buy a water filter and eat organic as much as possible. Mercury This is not the car brand Ford discontinued a few years back, it’s a dangerous heavy metal. Mercury has a half life of 40 years, which means we will never get rid of it, but we can reduce our exposure. Pregnant women are the most at risk from the toxic effects of mercury, since the metal is known to concentrate in the fetal brain and can interfere with brain development. Mercury is also known to bind directly to one particular hormone that regulates women’s menstrual cycle and ovulation, interfering with normal signaling pathways. Mercury can lead to diabetes as it damage the cells in the pancreas that produce insulin. How to Avoid Mercury If you want to eat seafood, limit it to organic salmon and organically farm raised trout. Our oceans are full of mercury so you sushi lovers might want to pick something else to eat. Perfluorinated chemicals (Non-Stick Cooking Surfaces) 99 percent of Americans have these chemicals in their bodies. One chemical known as PFOA does not breakdown in the human body or the environment.Talk about killing the planet! You can ban this substance and it will still be found in generations to come. PFOA exposure has been linked to decreased sperm quality, low birth weight, kidney disease, thyroid disease and high cholesterol, among other health issues. How to Avoid Perfluorinated Chemicals Avoid non-stick pans and water resistant clothing, furniture and carpets. Organophosphate Pesticides These are chemicals which are the most common pesticides that target the nervous system of insects. These interfere with the way testosterone communicates with cells, lowering testosterone and altering thyroid hormone levels. How to Avoid Organophosphate Pesticides Buy organic produce and wash your fruits and vegetables before eating to reduce exposure. Glycol Esters Ever tell a man to grow a pair of balls? If he’s exposed to glycol esters, he’ll have small ones and growing a manly pair will be out of the question. The EU says these can be responsible for damage to fertility and the unborn child. Glycol esters are found in common solvents in paints, cleaning products, brake fluid and cosmetics. Check the paint in your child’s room as this can cause allergies and asthma. How to Avoid Glycol Esters Avoid products with ingredients such as 2-butoxyethanol (EGBE) and methoxydiglycol (DEGME). Read the labels on paint and household cleaning products. The Ketogenic Diet, more commonly referred to as Keto, is quickly gaining popularity among the health and wellness community. The Keto Diet involves a dramatic reduction in the consumption of carbohydrates while simultaneously increasing the amount of dietary fat a person consumes. This combination shifts the body’s metabolism away from burning carbohydrates and sugar for it main source of energy and instead uses fat for fuel. Once this stage has been reached, a person is in “Ketosis,” due to the ketones produced by the liver, hence the “Keto” diet. If you are thinking of trying the Keto diet for yourself, here are seven things you should know before giving Keto a go. 1. Quality fats matter In order to really participate in the Keto Diet, it is incredibly important to increase both the quantity and the quality of fat you consume on a daily basis. Going Keto isn’t an excuse to go all in on the bad kinds of fat, but rather the good, quality sources of fat like:
2. Eat fewer carbohydrates Carbohydrates are not inherently bad for you. Fresh fruit and vegetables are carbohydrates, so please don’t develop a fear of produce, but in order to achieve a state of Ketosis, it is essential to dramatically reduce your daily consumption of carbohydrates and sugars. If you simply keep your diet the same and only increase your dietary fat without lowering sugar and carbs, you actually put yourself at risk for creating a diet that is dangerous for your health. If you are serious about making the switch to Keto, reach out to your doctor or health coach to discuss a plan. 3. Pair fat with greens This may sound like a contradiction to the point listed above, but fat allows for the proper absorption of certain vitamins, especially vitamins A, D, E and K, all of which are fat soluble, meaning in order for your body to properly absorb them, they need fat to be present. Be sure to incorporate more healthy fats when eating your vegetables. For example, if a spinach kale salad at lunch is your favorite then add a Keto-friendly salad topping like avocado slices, a drizzle of olive oil or roasted sunflower seeds. 4. Eat moderate protein Too many carbohydrates can keep you from Ketosis, but so can too much protein. Although protein plays an important role in a healthy diet, too much of a good thing can be a bad thing, especially when striving to reach a state of Ketosis. It’s a delicate dance, but there is no reason to be militant with your protein intake. Instead, eat a moderate amount of protein (about 20 percent of your diet) and try to get 70 to 80 percent of your diet from healthy fats, like those listed above. 5. Be conscious of calories We are not huge advocates of calorie counting, but it is still vital to be cognizant of your daily caloric intake. Some high-fat, Keto-friendly foods, like nuts and seeds, are extremely easy to overeat. Instead of monitoring calories or tracking macros, try single serving packets of your favorite snacks. For example, instead of grabbing a jar of your favorite nut butter and a spoon, purchase single serving packets to avoid overconsumption. Plus, they are easy to stash in your desk drawer, gym bag or car counsel for your on-the-go lifestyle. 6. Intermittent fasting Intermittent fasting is not a requirement of Keto, but many people find they are not very hungry in between meals. This is because healthy fat keeps you satiated, which means you stay fuller longer. Instead eating three or four small meals a day, some people notice they only need two or three meals. If you find yourself not that hungry in between meals, try intermittent fasting. For example, if you finish eating your last meal for the day at 7 p.m., wait 12 hours until you eat again. Everyone is different. Some people prefer going 14 or 16 hours instead of 12, but giving your digestive system a break, no matter for how long, is beneficial for your overall health. 7. Consider other lifestyle factors
Maintaining a Keto diet isn’t all about food. You should still practice proper hydration, exercise (don’t forget rest days), clocking quality sleep of at least 7-9 hours each night, manage stress levels and have healthy relationships with family and friends. All of these factors contribute to a healthy lifestyle, but a healthy lifestyle also includes living your life, so have the glass of wine with your friends and eat the chocolate, but know that you will most likely take your body out of Ketosis and that’s okay! Enjoy the moment and get back to your healthy lifestyle the next day. If you plan on giving Keto a go, try these seven tips to help keep you in a state of Ketosis! Provided by Delicious Living
Remember: If a product is manufactured in the U.S. with wheat, it must disclose that on the label (typically at the bottom of the ingredient list); but it does not have to disclose other gluten culprits, such as barley and rye – and all bets are off if the product is made outside of the United States. by Elson Haas, MD Fasting and juice cleansing can be a terrific source of vitality and a great healing tool, when applied to the right individuals and health issues. A good cleanse can remove congestion and toxins, and help you feel more youthful. If your energy is good, but you want to be even healthier, this is a worthwhile approach to a higher level of health. For those of you who are in mid-life and find yourself slowing down more than you want, this can actually remove some of the signs of aging. I have had many positive experiences since I did my first ten-day juice fast in 1975 and lots of good feedback from my patients, as well. Every year since that first rejuvenating experience, I have fasted for ten days in the Spring. Each March/April, I also personally guide a 10-day Rejuvenation Program in a small relaxed, informal group at my clinic in Northern California – Preventive Medical Center of Marin. This year, for the first time I am adding an online program for people who wish to lighten up and lessen symptoms and help prevent chronic diseases. I truly believe and see improvements from cleanse in my practice. My preferred program for this process is the Master Cleanser (MC) which consists of a 7-10-day* liquid fast and detox — partly because of its simplicity — which requires minimal shopping and food prep, even with actual juicing, However, I also suggest and use other simple liquid-centered approaches using fresh vegetable juices and also soup broth. Some people may even do smoothies and a steamed veggie supper. Yet paradoxically, eating food in the midst of cleanse often makes people more hungry. The key is to give your body a vacation from habitual foods and do what works best for you and use a lot of liquids to flush toxins from the body. The Master Cleanse Recipe: • 2 Tablespoons of fresh lemon (or lime) juice • 1 Tablespoon** pure maple syrup • 1/10 teaspoon cayenne pepper • 8 ounces of spring water *The length of the fast can vary according to your needs, but I suggest a minimum of one week. **Some people can use more maple syrup for calories if they do not need to lose much weight. Actually, the original formula written about by Stanley Burroughs included equal amounts of maple to lemon, two tablespoons each, but I think that is more sugar than most people need. Tips for Master Cleanse or any Cleansing Program: • It is important to drink adequate amounts of liquid. Use the MC formula daily, drinking at least 8-10 glasses, and drink other water or herb teas, especially peppermint or chamomile. Ideally, the amount of liquids we consume daily helps to cleanse the body overall, and likely we need several quarts of fluids. • Don’t carry your Master Cleanser formula or juice in a plastic container, because the lemon acids can leach the plastic chemicals into your drink. • Also, the lemonade can leach calcium from your teeth (ascorbic and citric acids bind with calcium to make calcium citrate and calcium ascorbate). This can weaken your enamel if there is frequent contact from regular sipping of the lemonade. I suggest drinking one to two glasses at a time and then rinsing your mouth with water so the lemon and maple syrup do not stay on your teeth. • Keep the digestive tract clean and clear. Its important to keep the bowels actively moving with laxative teas, enemas, colon irrigation, or an internal saltwater bath described next. Some form of cleansing bowel movement should happen at least every other day after initial clearing. • Consider trying an internal bath. First thing in the morning, drink one quart of warm water with two teaspoons of sea salt dissolved in it. It washes right through you! For people who retain water easily or for those with high blood pressure, the saltwater flush might be avoided; yet, when it works, it’s great! • Exercise! Some other activities important for healthy cleansing and for general health include regular exercise and sweating, along with hiking or spending time in nature. The fasting process helps to make us more attuned to our environment. We may be motivated to support a healthier community, and reduce pollution. When we are cleansing, we become much more aware of unhealthy surroundings–chemicals, smoke, and fatty or meat food smells. And we will begin to appreciate more, if we do not already, the aromas of fresh foods and our natural surroundings. • Spiritual and emotional cleansing. During the transformative process of cleansing our body, the effects spread throughout many areas of our life. There is often improved clarity of mind that develops. Emotional cleansing and subsequent insights also happen. Spiritual awareness is sometimes profound. We are more sensitive to subtle vibrations of people, situations, emotions, and nature. Intuition is enhanced and procrastination disappears. With new energy and focus, we may want to clean up our room, our home, or office, etc. We may even want to reorganize our whole life! • Healing. Fasting is also very useful for a wide variety of illnesses, including colds and flu, bronchitis, allergies, and gastrointestinal problems. I also suggest other healing therapies during a cleansing program. Massage is very beneficial. Counseling therapy, either psychological or career, may help clarify with new directions; and of course, nutritional guidance is very important. Often though, this healing, counseling and guidance come from within! • Enhance control over your own health. The self-experience of fasting/juice cleansing is a truly inspiring and educational experience. Most people need to be guided and supported through their first cleanse. Then, in the future, they find they are able to do it on their own, as the process is self-teaching and self-healing, resetting their health state. Once we learn a safe and helpful approach to fasting and cleansing, we know how to apply it to our life. We can then use it for personal healing; with experience we can then inspire guide others in its application and even better motivate friends to join us. I have seen the Master Cleanser program spread through homes, families, and even towns with remarkable effects. I have to say that after 40 years of medical practice and juice cleansing, the process of fasting/cleansing/detoxification is one of the greatest and most effective healing tools I have found. It is an important component for the prevention of degenerative diseases and a key to transformational and evolutionary medicine and healing. Transitioning to Your New, Ideal Diet The cleansing experience offers us a great opportunity to change habits and improve our diet, lessening habits that might be undermining our health and true vitality. To me, that’s the most significant benefit of juicing—how we come back into our life and food choices. Improving our lifestyle is the crucial core for protecting and enhancing our health. Take time to transition back into the diet/eating program that you know in your aids in feeling your best. The cleansing process helps us tune into that specifically. Eat lots of fresh foods, veggies, some fruit, good quality proteins, some nuts and seeds, and generally consume lower amounts of carbohydrates and especially minimal on sugars and flour products -- enjoy the natural flavor of foods with those fresh, new taste buds. Please realize that fasting is not for everyone. I do not advise juicing or fasting therapy for people with deficiency problems such as fatigue, anemia, immune weakness, nutritional deficiency, or underweight issues. Nor is it suggested for pregnant or nursing mothers, or for youngsters. I only encourage juice cleansing with congestive-type problems and inflammatory issues, such as frequent colds, allergies, hypertension, constipation, back pains, or headaches. If detoxification is needed, there are other ways to do this through dietary shifts and herbal medicines as outlined in my book, The Detox Diet. Other Resources for a Spring Cleanse For those interested in fasting, or more accurately, cleansing, you can also follow the program in the Spring section of my book Staying Healthy with the Seasons. For more personal guidance, you could find a local health practitioner with fasting experience, or I can do individual consultations or guidance through my clinic – Preventive Medical Center of Marin (www.pmcmarin.com). BOX? My 10-day Spring Cleanse Class Online starts Saturday, April 28 Join me for a live webinar – plus two more opportunities to interact online with me during the 10-day course – consult the “Detox Doc” and get invaluable group support, a private Facebook page for participants as well as smoothie recipes, detox tips and more. Check out the course and sign up HERE SPECIAL OFFER $79 for - - - - - , regularly $99 use code WB when prompted during checkout In the shopping cart, below the Total $ Price, you will see the message “Have a coupon?” – click and enter WB to get your 20% discount. |
May 2022